National Tax Number (NTN) is prerequisite for conducting business so it is required by all type of businesses i.e. sole proprietor,partnership firms and company .
Step: 1
For NTN registration open the below link or simply search FBR IRIS in google
A Screen will appear for new NTN Registration click on “Registration for Unregistered Person”.
Step: 2
A small screen will appear fill the required information in all tabs, email or Cell No required which have used for any other NTN will not be accepted by the system.
Step :3
System generated codes will be sent one on mobile and email ID provided by you. When you will click on Submit the system will ask to put codes enter codes at respective places
Step: 4
When you will enter cods in system, system will send a Password and PIN on both email and cell. User ID will be your CNIC.
Step: 5
Open the link below and login on IRIS by use CNI C as User ID and Password that you have received on both mobile and email.
Step : 6
Step : 7
Open the registration form it has different tabs data in “ Personal “ tab is picked by system from your NADR record, no need to fill Persoanl Tab. Open Property Tab,fill out the details of your address and tick the box labeled as “ “
If you feel any difficulty you may contact us we will guide you about NTN registration Contact Us
KK Consultant (Smc- Pvt.) Ltd.
Ph No. 051-4572373
Cell : 0321-5943781