Enrollment is the process in which User ID, Password and PIN are generated for a taxpayer. For individuals CNIC Number of individual is used as User ID
There are three scenarios for Enrollment of an Individual;
Enrollment in FBR
1.Having NTN Number but Not Enrolled on FBR
A person who has NTN but not enrolled neither old portal of FBR nor new e-portal of FBR, need to enroll on IRIS
2. Individual Not Enrolled on IRIS
If an individual has registered on old e-portal of FBR but he has lost his enrollment information need to just enroll on IRIS new e-portal of FBR.
3.Individual Who Have Lost Enrollment Particulars
Individuals who have lost their enrollment particular (Password and PIN) may get new particulars from “Forget Password” option of IRIS, but they need same email and cell number which were entered in enrollment process. If Cell Number and Email used in enrollment are not accessible to a person he needs to visit concerned Regional Tax Office (RTO) with “Original CNIC.
If an individual got registered on old E-portal of FBR and not enrolled on IRIS new E-portal of FBR then his information can be misused and new password and PIN can be obtained by anyone. Unfortunately there is no remedy to prevent.
If you need any information regarding Tax, Financial and Corporte Matters feel free to contact us.